Copes - Vulcan
Copes-Vulcan, an SPX Brand has been providing valves to the power, pulp and paper, oil and gas, and petrochemical industries since 1903. Copes-Vulcan is recognised worldwide as a leader in valves for severe and critical service applications. A key strength is the ability to provide innovative solutions to you, the customers’, application needs.
Copes-Vulcan product line includes
- SD Severe Duty Globe Style control valves - The SD-1000 is the preferred style of valve for applications such as pump recirculation, feedwater control and feedwater startup, flashing or cavitating service, critical pressure drop gas and steam service, and any potentially noisy or vibration-prone service.
- Steam Conditioning Equipment (Desuperheaters) – mechanical atomising, variable orifice, integral cooling water function available, high turndowns, 150-2500 ANSI Ratings
- Turbine By-Pass - The DSCV-SA (Direct Steam Converting Valve - Steam Atomization) from Copes Vulcan is designed for unprecedented operational reliability and eliminates potential risks associated with substandard designs during plant start-up, shutdown and turbine trips. As a result, the DSCV-SA is at the forefront of modern thermodynamic engineering in steam conditioning.
- Trim types – RAVEN™, HUSH®, Gad, Cascade, Noise control, Cavitation Elimination, Velocity and Erosion Controls
- Copes-Vulcan RAVEN™ trims are used in severe service applications where true velocity control is needed by limiting the fluid velocities at the exit of the trim.
- HUSH® is a cage guided trim that provides excellent control by directing the flow through a series of staged pressure drops. Cavitation, excessive leakage, hazardous noise, vibration and mechanical failures can be eliminated with HUSH trim – reducing down time and expensive maintenance costs.
- The Copes-Vulcan Port Throttling GAD trim was developed to meet the rigorous requirements of feedwater and feedwater start-up control.
- Copes-Vulcan’s Numbered Cascade Trim assembly is used in control valves where low flow rates and high turndown requirements prevail such as in desuperheater cooling water control, fuel oil control, blowdown and chemical feed.